Are There Any Positions That Are Prohibited From Being…
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Are There Any Positions That Are Prohibited From Being Occupied By Foreigners?

Before hiring foreign workers (TKA) in Indonesia, there are several things that need to be considered. One of them is regarding the positions that will be occupied by each of the foreign workers. Foreign workers who work in Indonesia are prohibited from holding a position in charge of personnel and / or certain positions. Based on the Attachment to the Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Number 349 of 2019 concerning Certain Positions That Foreign Workers Are Prohibited from Occupying ("Kepmenakertrans 349/2019"), among others are as follows:



  1. Personnel Director;
  2. Industrial Relation Manager;
  3. Human Resource Manager;
  4. Personnel Development Supervisor;
  5. Personnel Recruitment Supervisor;
  6. Personnel Placement Supervisor;
  7. Emlployee Career Development Supervisor;
  8. Personnel Declare Administrator;
  9. Personnel and Careers Specialist;
  10. Personnel Specialist;
  11. Career Advisor;
  12. Job Advisor;
  13. Job Advisor and Counseling;
  14. Employee Mediator;
  15. Job Training Administrator;
  16. Job Interviewer;
  17. Job Analyst;
  18. Occupational Safety Specialist.


Therefore, it is important for the Employer to pay attention to this matter, so that in the future there are no undesirable things related to the position occupied by the TKA.

Suria Nataadmadja & Associates Law Firm

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